Composite Posts
Posts, Pods & Planks
Saltus Poles
Orchard and vinyard poles, Hot Houses, Shade & Net Structures, Irrigation
Telecom poles, Transmission poles, Street lamp poles, Sign Posts
Farm or yard fencing, Decks, Cladding, Planter boxes
Guard houses, Homes, Offices or Class Rooms, Garage/Storage containers
Props, Rock bolts
Pallets, Crates
Re-bar, Scaffolding, Props
Animals, Wild-life
Renewables, Gas, Waste to Energy, Battery Storage
Raw Material
Resins, Glass, Fibres, Natural fibers, Carbon fibres
We offer high-quality products and great service!
It is our mission to exceed all of our customers’ needs. Our dedication to that mission is one big reason that all of our customers come back to us.
We specialize in the following products:
Vineyard trellis support poles
(1.8m – 2.4m length with pole diameters of 32mm to 43mm)
Table grape & fruit trellis support poles
(1.8m – 6m length with pole diameters of 43mm to 183mm)
Fencing poles
(1.8m – 2.7m length with pole diameters of 32mm to 128mm)
Irrigation poles
(2.1m – 4m length with pole diameters of 32mm to 43mm)
Utility & telecom poles
(6m – 18m length with pole diameters of 78mm to 208mm)

SALTUS™ POLES are engineered application specific and are cost competitive with conventional materials

When compared to conventional wood and steel materials, Saltus composite poles offer the following advantages:
Low weight significantly reduces installation costs.
Durability that lead to lower maintenance costs – Saltus Poles are coated for UV protection and inert to moisture and fertilizer chemicals that cause wood to rot and steel to rust.
Engineered support specifically developed for intended application.
Lower installation and maintenance cost result in lower overall lifecycle cost and higher profitability.
Uniformity of product

Vineyard, shade-net & irrigation

Fibre-optic & electrical

Palisades & electricity

Well insulated, affordable modular housing

Pallets & Crates

New website
launching soon